What is It Like Shopping in a Physical Bodega
as an Amazon Internet Cookie?
Browsing en la Bodega
This project visualizes the parallels of shopping in a physical bodega and behind an online platform Amazon, as an internet cookie, through a 360 °Video Animation
Project Year
Presented Work
My Contribution
: 2018 and 2023
: Animation, Interactive Design, Narrative, Scripting, Research, and Concept Development
: 360° Video Animation
: Geraldine Vargas ( responsible for concept, 3D modeling, rendering, and narrative )
: Daniele Profeta
: Concept, 3D modeling, rendering, narrative, and video editting
: Our World / Yours ( May 2018, New York, NY )
: 3D Scanning and Modeling, Rendering, Narrative Development, and Video Editting
Final project as part of "360° Speculations on Google street View’ seminar by Daniele Profeta at Syracuse university
Browsing en la Bodega distinguishes the environments of physical Bodega and online platform Amazon as entirely different entities: one that is more identifiable with the “real” and another that exists mainly in the digital world, questioning who knew us best: the cookie that archived and collected our data via our browser or the neighborhood clerk who works at the Bodega and knows how you like your cafe every morning but also asks how your mom is doing. This video project explores how we are experiencing both worlds simultaneously, blurring the boundaries between the materially rich environment of the Bodega and the efficient yet banal environment of Amazon. Neither the Bodega nor the Amazon platform is genuinely experienced, but both are contaminated by the shelving system, spills, stains on the counters, registration IDs, and even the Bodega cat.
Narrative 2
Written for CTM Festival 2024: 'A Sonic Evolution' - Presentation Proposal on the Theme of Sustain
How to sustain one's well being through home authenticity in the face of increasing human-machine entanglement? A video project "Browsing en la Bodega" delves into the concept of 'home' in a cybernated 3D-modeled NYC bodega—a cultural stronghold and 'home' for diasporic communities. The narrative unfolds with the main character navigating the store to purchase a bottle of sriracha and takes the form of an online 'cookie,' representing the data that documents our online activities and shapes our shopping choices. Within this narrative, a complex feedback loop emerges, blurring the lines between human and machine and raising the question of the true self. To ground viewers in the bodega's authenticity, the video replicates its textures and sounds, juxtaposing them with the sterile environment of a data center, a speculated 'home' for the digital cookie. As the spaces blend, contamination occurs, the clash between human and machine entities culminates in the spilling of sriracha, symbolizing the intricate interplay between human and machine, reflecting challenges such as loss of control, identity crises, and the erosion of authenticity in our increasingly digitized world.
Key Frames from 'Bowsing en la Bodega' 360° Video Animation
Browsing en la Bodega
Mentioned in Drawing a Panoramic Imaginary
by Daniele Profeta at Syracuse University
“In Shopping en la Bodega, the viewers are displaced into an immersive digital shopping environment in which the agency of the cookie, collecting traces from our everyday digital life, our geo-tagged Google searches, and our double-taps upon preferred content, takes over our engagement with the products displayed. In the video, the fixed horizontal characteristic of the paranomic antecedents, grounding the viewers into their elevated position control, is only one of many possible positions of engagement with the world at hand: omniscient vantage points co-exist with partial, localized perspectives, requiring the viewers to constantly negotiate their position throughout the short movie. While navigating the Bodega, the viewers are confronted with a strangely mundane environment, in which the homogeneously distributed level of details forces them to actively construct their narrative, to reassemble some of the clues pointing towards a slight recalibration of their position as subjects of that world.
In the progression of the scenes, the known tiling of the floor gets entangled with the QR codes of the products pre-selected by the cookie in a motion that slowly projects them towards an unknown territory, one in which their actions are recognized as the result of a much larger ecology of human and non-human actors. The diffuse, controlled natural lighting is replaced with hue-saturated, focused highlight zones, forcefully leading our motion of visual exploration across the digital landscape.”
Excerpt Text and Image
Profeta, Daniele . “Drawing a Panoramic Imaginary.”
107th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Black Box, (2019): 187-188